Thursday, November 1, 2007

My "Air Swing"

Howdy! This is my very first real blog post and to tell you the truth I'm stoked. I guarantee that because I am a perfectionist it'll probably take me a good hour to get this posted. Anyway I'll get right to it....I wanted to create a blog where I could give my opinion on basically everything so here it is.

My addiction and my "air swing"!

First of all let me say that I am a complete and utter golf "addict"!! Just ask my wife. It drives...correction... it used to drive her nuts that I would walk around swinging my arms as if I was swinging a golf club. I call it my "air swing"! It's all part of my golf practice. Anyway if you see someone in the mall or grocery store swinging their arms practicing their golf swing that person is probably me. It is especially effective if there are mirrors around so you can see all angles of your "air swing". Try it sometime and I guarantee that you will lower your handicap!

Here's another tip that I learned from my favorite golf book in the world: Faldo A Swing for Life: How to Play The Faldo Way. If you want to work on your balance put your feet very close together and practice hitting balls off a tee with a 7 iron!

Well it only took about 2 hours to get this posted...not so bad for a rookie!

1 comment:

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

I just barely saw the link on your family blog and I AM SO EXCITED for your blog! Count on me to frequent this site!

You should build a panel with three slanted mirrors in your master bedroom so you can practice and critique your swing and it would be great for Melissa cause it's like having the same mirrors as clothing stores.